Monday, November 28, 2011

Chapter 6 Laughing in Church

1.)  How can joy, (or lack there of) affect our ability to draw people to the church.  Do people in ministry sometimes come off as joyless as Fr. Martin asserts on pg. 143 (in the last paragraph)?

2.) In the late 19th century, the Protestant churches were just as grim as the Catholic Church yet they recognized at that important time the need to branch out in a social way and that is where the idea of "fellowship and fun" came in. (pg 147)  Do you think that the Catholic Church was as effective at "fellowship and fun"?  Please explain your response.

3.)  Consider "The Gatekeeper,"  the three doors that charitable speech must pass through.  Can you see how they can be useful in your own life?

4.)  Did any of the funny stories stand out to you?

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